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The Neighborhood’s Cemetery : Reclaiming Cemeteries inside the city.


The project tried to solve the problem of cemeteries inside the city of Amman. These cemeteries are suffering from being neglected, unplanned and misused. Moreover, the Government’s only solution is to locate cemeteries outside the city and to create central cemeteries. But creating Central cemeteries outside the city isn’t the solution! Because it will eventually one day take place inside the city like the other 133 cemeteries in Amman now but with massive problems.

On the Urban Planning level: The project focused on integrating the cemeteries within the urban fabric of the neighborhood and turn them into a positive space by adding new elements to the cemetery based on donating the deceased's belongings to the needy to create a sense of social solidarity (Al-Tikyeh).

On the Architectural Level: Moreover, the architectural solution also focused on reintroducing new typologies for cemeteries ‘’To design a module as burial units which will be moved under ground level while using the roof of it as public spaces (Park) that service the living needs in the neighborhood.’’

The Board:
The Neighborhood’s Cemetery : Reclaiming Cemeteries inside the city. Board
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