The word Museum means the action of explaining the meaning of something. Similar to this, a Museum is an institution for distributing the knowledge of natural or cultural heritage. A Museum can Be used in many Different ways. It can be viable solution for effective communication of heritage information in municipalities and rural areas where resources may not exist to establish a traditional, full-scale museum, and where heritage can be an important factor for tourism development. My Aim is to design a Museum for the Mughals to create awareness about the history and heritage.

RELATION WITH THE MUGHAL MUSEUM DESIGN The design of the museum Shadows of Mughal recovers the modular system by using the Golden Mean Ratio, proportion in the geometry of the building’s Elevation and in planning with composition of two golden ratio proportions which compasses the building plan. The area has been divided into the modular spaces governed by golden mean ratio that created green area, common spaces both inside and outside reflected with water bodies, The golden ratio used in the facade as well as planning gives the building the scene of unity, harmony perceived in the volume and created a assorted rhythm in the museum. As the it’s a museum with the Shadows of Mughal , so the compassion with the elements as arches , jail on the facade creation of char bagh in landscaping and water body with the ramp creates a mirror to the visuals. The design has acquired a whole timeline of Mughal era with the building facades and in the planning surrounding green.

BASIC OBJECTIVES • To create awareness about the history and its form. • To pull in more visitors and thus generate more revenue for the future of the heritage. • To involve more formal and informal activities to make it unique and interesting. • To design the space in such a way that outdoor and indoor blends together to form unique spaces. • To build comfort spaces for the visitors to stay and enjoy their heritage. • To introduce games and activities which will help people to participate in the heritage.

The Board: