Its read like a book that takes us on a journey of our ancestors times and tells us about characters who have raised whole civilizations. Despite the magic, the space of death originated in dramatic moments. Observing the history of this mythical place are visible the favorable currents, as well as the storms of regression. Based on the door that Rossi dared to open, a question arises. Has the time finally come to reflect on the design of a place that sighs for another image?
The question was the beginning of a project.
Perhaps its necessary to first change the physical image so that the experience changes and finally, in a moment of luck, one can touch the soul of a society and change convictions. Let us dare to dream.

A unique tower, unlike any other, completes the sacred triad. The timeless triangle used by tribes is formed and, through unequalled knowledge of the cosmos, they have reached the utopia of perpetuating their memory. The curious tower is different from all the others. Something immaterial. A tower of dreams and memories comprises thousands of flying balloons that rise slowly and, at a certain point, are lost in the confusion of stars that fills the heavens. Each balloon, a memory.

Poets will not build buildings, but architects will make poetry, and the attraction will produce unexpected effects.

The Board: