
by Archistart

‘Dream me on’ at fuorisalone

**If you can dream it, you can DESIGN it**
‘Dream me on’ at fuorisalone 2017 – Milan. Its clouds and its sinuous forms were the protagonists of Sbodio32 spaces in the dynamic and international Ventura Lambrate area.
‘Dream me on’ is the winning project of SCC16, self-construction contest promoted by Archistart with the double aim of attracting young architects to the sphere of self-construction and regenerating the external spaces of “Ostello del Sole” in San Cataldo (Lecce): the installation was the backdrop of the summer events organized at the hostel, like SEIfestival, and of IAHsummer16, Archistart international architecture workshop.


**Se lo puoi sognare, puoi PROGETTARLO**
‘Dream me on’ sbarca al fuorisalone di Milano 2017. Le sue nuvole e le sue forme sinuose sono diventate le protagoniste di spazio Sbodio32 nella internazionale e dinamica zona Ventura Lambrate.
‘Dream me on’ è il vincitore del contest di autocostruzione SCC16 indetto da Archistart, con lo scopo di avvicinare giovani progettisti al mondo del’autocostruzione e rigenerare gli spazi esterni del’Ostello del sole di San Cataldo_Lecce in vista delle attività estive come il SEIfestival e come scenografia di IAHsumme16 workshop internazionale di architettura.


“The free man is like a white cloud. A white cloud is a mystery, is carried away by the wind, does not resist, does not fight, and hovers over everything. All dimensions and all directions belong. The white clouds do not have a clear origin and do not have a goal, simply being in the moment is perfection.”  (Osho)


“L’uomo libero è come una nuvola bianca. Una nuvola bianca è un mistero; si lascia trasportare dal vento, non resiste, non lotta, e si libra al di sopra di ogni cosa. Tutte le dimensioni e tutte le direzioni le appartengono. Le nuvole bianche non hanno una provenienza precisa e non hanno una meta; il loro semplice essere in questo momento è perfezione.” (Osho)


The lightness of a cloud can create a shelter from sun and heat, as well as squalls, gales and storms – blowing in the wind, clouds are formed and vanish in a instants, changing and fickle, inspiring, dream-keepers for men and women aimlessly wandering all along. Wander forever in endless deserts.
Though, precisely with eyes to heaven, sitting on the ground, you may make the best journeys, ‘til the furthest places, exploring and discovering the most amazing lands of your mind.
We are always looking for a safe haven from a world that keeps rolling into a deep edge, anxious and scared for an uncertain future, running away from our most hidden ghosts.
So let’s stop at this white desert. Lay down, kiss, love, fall asleep and dream.


La leggerezza di una nuvola può creare un riparo dal sole e dal caldo, ma allo stesso modo dar vita a burrasche e tempeste, mosse dal vento si formano e svanisco in pochi istanti, mutevoli e volubili da sempre ispirano e guidano i sogni degli uomini che si riposano durante i lori viaggi senza mete. Ci sembra di vagare in eterno in deserti infiniti.
Ma è proprio con lo sguardo al cielo e il sedere a terra che si fanno i viaggi migliori, che si visitano i posti più lontani, che si scoprono i luoghi più belli della mente.
Siamo sempre alla ricerca di un riparo sicuro da un mondo che sta correndo verso il baratro presi da ansia e paure per un futuro incerto, scappando dai nostri fantasmi più nascosti.
Allora fermiamoci in questo bianco deserto. Sdraiamoci, addormentiamoci, amiamoci, baciamoci e cominciamo a sognare.



Ambra Ruffini
I see architecture as a sociological discipline, people and space interact and their relation influences behaviours and perception, what I try to do with my work is using shapes, colours and materials to activate emotions.
I did my studies in Italy,Turkey,Colombia and Marocco while presently i’m moving to Thailand. What intrigues me about approaching new cultures is the perception change dued to context and background, different cultures have different scales of values and you always need great modesty and patient study to create a right product for a specifical place. It’s  like learning to read every time, no massification should be applied while creating spaces for humans.

Francesco Pestarino
In a free time I am an architect, but at the moment my main occupation it is to be a dreamer and a traveler. I am a fan of architecture, graphic arts and photography and I am part of a cultural association named “Burrasca” founded with some friends, in which we commit ourselves to promote architecture at different levels, creating a platform for discussion with the aim of expanding architectural culture and to extend the limits of the discipline in all its forms.
I like to think that architecture and design have the physical and moral duty to improve the space they occupy and the lives of those who use it.
This idea of architecture that led me to choose as a thesis topic, that still I am working like a personal project, the militarized border in the world as a design tool to break down those social and political plotting the basics to allow the birth of a new border culture.
I am a person who can not stand very firm and are always looking for something new to see, live or just eat.
