

PATTO PER LA PUGLIA – FSC 2014-2020 Avviso pubblico per presentare iniziative progettuali riguardanti le Attività Culturali esecuzione D.D. n.96 del 13.04.2017 e s.m.i. con la D.D. n. 188/2017.
Progetto “International Architecture Holiday”_CUP: B38J18000720001
Contributo ricevuto con importo a valere sulla Delibera Cipe 26/2016 € 16.040,00 2^ annualità – € 16.040,00 3^ annualità

International Architecture Holiday, Lecce

IAHsummer17 took place from August 1st to 8th, 2017 at Ostello del Sole – San Cataldo, Lecce. Fortyeight architecture and engineering students and professionals from all over the world lived and worked together for seven intense days sharing ideas and gaining some useful design skills for their future career.

The Laboratory

The workshop participants were split into 8 teams of 6 members, guided by a group of tutors who provided all materials and information necessary for them to design a ‘temporary room’. The teams produced in three days sketches, diagrams and drawings summarized in an A2 poster.

The groups were selected by the jury to self-construct the temporary room they had designed. The three ‘special tents’ were built in a day and & half with a budget of € 200.



The theme

The theme of IAHsummer17 was the design of a temporary room, a “special tent”  built on the grounds of the hostel where the workshop took place.
The housing unit/temporary room had to be designed and built with simple materials, easy to find. The aim of the workshop was to experiment using innovative construction methods and special materials, but also to revive the hosting campsite by providing aesthetic quality, identity and functionality to the temporary accommodation units.

The temporary rooms had to be designed and built on a base of 240x160cm made with 4 pallets. The main function of the temporary rooms was accommodation.

Final exhibition




avatarby IAHsummer17 - Team1
2 3200 Team Work
MIRA – head in the clouds
avatarby IAHsummer17 - Team4
0 4264 Team Work
avatarby IAHsummer17 - Team7
2 3420 Team Work
avatarby IAHsummer17 - Team2
1 3083 Team Work
avatarby IAHsummer17 - Team8
0 4260 Team Work
avatarby IAHsummer17 - Team6
2 5264 Team Work
avatarby IAHsummer17 - Team5
1 4192 Team Work
avatarby IAHsummer17 - Team3
2 4588 Team Work